What do stomach pain, chest heaviness, and a lump in the throat mean?1 min read

Have you ever felt stomach pain or heaviness in your chest? Or maybe you’ve experienced a lump in your throat? These symptoms can have various causes, but today we will talk about their psychological aspect.

These three areas reflect three important aspects of our lives. Let’s take a closer look:

Throat – Communicative Aspect

Familiar with the feeling of a lump in your throat when you need to say something? Speaking in front of an audience or a short phrase that you just can’t get out. Sudden coughing and unpleasant sensations in the throat are also part of this problem

Chest – Emotional Aspect
Heaviness or a pressing feeling in the chest from parting with a loved one. Or, on the contrary, a feeling of joy and expansion when something goes well. All this is related to our emotions, which concentrate in this area.

Stomach – Survival
This area is associated with the fear for our own life. Twisting, stabbing, squeezing – this is something to pay attention to. It can be a sign of deep stress.

Emotional sensations over a long period can also cause physical deterioration in the body. It is better not to let it come to this.

What to Do?

The first step is to realize what these sensations might mean. Now you know about it. The next step is to stop and analyze the situation:

• Hard to speak out?
• Emotionally affected?
• Fear of losing life?
• Or something very important?

Remember, everything is in your hands. But for faster and deeper work, I always turn to my psychologist colleagues. It is quicker and more effective.

Understanding these connections is a step toward better mental and physical health.

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